Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Last Blog!

Hooray! I made it to my last blog:D 5 out of 5 blogging experiences. I can't believe I made it through. My experience blogging has been positive. I enjoyed the ease of blogging it's very similar to texting exept to replies :( I enjoy reading fellow students blogging experiences and their topics. It seems that everyone else has so much to blog about.

Spring quarter at Cal Poly is coming down to and end. Next week is finals week which I'm thrilled about, FINALLY:) I need to think about a particular presentation of one of the courses. I only need one more summer course and during the Fall quarter I start the thesis course scary but exciting.

Until next time.

Monday, May 31, 2010

School year over

Wow! I can't believe only 18 work days are left!!! My last day of work will be June 24th, this will be the students last day of school, and for teachers the last day is June 25th the very next day. Teachers need to clean out the classrooms, remove bulletin boards, cover shelves, and remove personal belongings if not returning for the next school year. Which is me. I have received the official "termination" letter from the school district, indication that this school year will be my last year with the school district due to the budget cuts in education.

How can this be? Why is education always last in priorities? There's a budget for everything else, but alas not for our future leaders, our students. Who need educators with experience, caring, and willing to go that extra mile for them. I'm still optimistic that the whole situation will be reversed just like last year where there was and educational stimulus package. But so far NO metion, will see what the future holds for all those "pink slip" teachers, like me.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Second Life Rocks!

Have any of you tried "Second Life". It rocks I have become addicted to my avatar in second life. Second Life (SL) is a virtual world developed by Linden Lab that launched on June 23, 2003, and is accessible on the Internet. A free client program called the Viewer enables its users, called Residents, to interact with each other through avatars. Residents can explore, meet other residents, socialize, participate in individual and group activities, and create and trade virtual property and services with one another, or travel throughout the world (which residents refer to as "the grid")

In SL you can travel and visit different location such as the "Sixteenth Chapel", Venice Beach, Planetarium. If you can think of any place to visit SL has it. You can interact with others, make friends, and dress up your avatars.All I can say is Hella Fun.

Second Life - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). . Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Life.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Chanelling "Jim Morrison"

What a fun and hypnotizing concert. On Friday I attended a concert at the Coach House in San Juan Capistrano, and say the band Wild Child. OMG the band Wild Child is a tribute band to the Doors, and boy are they great.

A little background on the band.
Wild Child is a Los Angeles based act with 20 solid years of performance in the competitive L.A. Music Scene. Faithfully re-creating a live Doors Concert on stage. This is not a typical Doors tribute band! The music is painstakingly reproduced and combined with the voice, look and essence of Jim Morrison live on stage (performed by lead singer Dave Brock). Wild Child mirrors the depth, energy and emotion of The Doors concerts as they were live back in the late 1960's. The Band also utilizes the same musical instruments live as The Doors did over 35 years ago. Wild Child performs internationally, playing to packed venues around the globe.

If you are a "Doors" find you can't miss this Doors celebration, they ROCK! visit their website to find they next performance. Sneak Peek video of the band playing in Vegas. http://wildchild.mu/

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My 1st Blog :)

My first blogging experience, I've been successful at avoiding twitter, myspace, facebook, and any other social networking device. As part of an assignment requirement for a Master's course I must create 5 different blog entries. This could become an addiction or despite social networking even more. We will see at the end of the 5th blogging episode.

Anyhow, in work related news I only have 30 more work days before I start Summer vacation time. It's an exciting time,but also stressful because of the dreaded PINK SLIPS. I received my beautiful pink slip(which isn't really pink) some time ago. Its just a waiting game now to see if the pink slips will be re -sended or not.